In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being inhim was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:1-5

Fine Art by Loreen
How do you define JOY?
What is it and how do we get it? During the holiday season we are constantly singing about it, but what is it really? Joy is not just the emotion of happiness but a characteristic and fruit of the Holy Spirit, regardless of whether one is suffering or not. We experience joy when we contemplate God’s saving grace, not only in our own daily circumstances, but in his saving actions in history. The Israelites experienced it when they crossed the Red Sea, and they experienced it again when they crowned the young David as their King. There are so many countless times, recorded or not that God has reached down and saved us, out of love for his Children, because He rejoices in us, His creation.
And now, during this advent season, we have reached the fullness of time, the culmination of all the songs ever sung about Him. He is here, He has arrived. In the silence of eternity, the Word, the Logos, bursts into human history with JOY. In the whole of human history, never before was there so much joy. Now the Father rejoices over His creation, and His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word, the Logos, who has become joy personified.
The Word, or Logos comes from an ancient concept in Greek philosophy that indicates there is a design and order of the Universe that is associated with the mind of God. In Biblical thinking, the Logos points to the divine expression given to create the cosmos. The gospel of John has combined all of these concepts into one, explaining to us that the Logos is in fact, a Person. This Person, Jesus Christ, who once was the mediator of creation has now become the mediator of Salvation.
So, what more is there to say? The Word, Jesus Christ, has cast light into great darkness, and in the midst of that darkness, through our faith in Him, has given us great JOY. Joy is so difficult to attain in our world of sensory overload, divided politics and unrest. But praise be to God, our source of Joy is not determined by our current circumstances but resides in the Person of Jesus Christ. By receiving Him, we all have the power to become His children, who all share the Joy of belonging to Him, the Creator of the Universe. In the middle of your darkness of depression, stress, anxiety or addiction, look up to the one who sheds light into your heart. Rejoice in the One who wants to bring you into the light of His love and wholeness. Take courage to say yes to Jesus, who longs to be the source of your JOY.
May the glory of the Lord endure forever;
may the Lord rejoice in his works—
who looks on the earth and it trembles,
who touches the mountains and they smoke.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
Psalm 104:31-33
This is my sincere prayer for you during this Season of Advent, that you find some quiet time to reflect on God’s presence in your life and that it brings you joy. And that the Joy you discover in His presence gives you some rest from the busyness and stress that this season can bring.
All my Love to you my friends,
PS: I can’t wait to show you what’s going on in my studio next year!